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Stouts Island Lodge Wedding with Katy & Jon

The forecast was for rain. I was bummed. Stouts Island Lodge is a destination venue where family and friends travel to enjoy a weekend getaway. Guests swim, kayak, fish, soak up the sun, read while looking out over the lake, enjoy nature, and experience a slowing down and enjoying friends that is hard to replicate anywhere else in the midwest. Rain just gets in the way of enjoying the weekend. BUT, as often does...the weather turned. The wedding day was gorgeous and was only outdone by how amazing Katy and Jon looked together. Everyone involved pulled off the perfect wedding. Below are a collection of random moments and portraits caught throughout the day.

Bookings for 2019 are coming in, but I still have plenty of availability and I'd love to hear from yah! After 7 years, I'm amazed photography has turned into a career and one I love more now than when I started. Thanks so much for all your support. Literally, cannot do this without your help.