Lao Family

I love starting family sessions in the home. Every home has unique light and great opportunities to observe real life happening. When Sinok contacted me, he mentioned being specifically drawn to the everyday feel of a lot of my photographs. Because of this, I knew our time together was going to be really rewarding. Knowing that a client will be blown away by images you are making is a pretty sweet feeling and something I don't take for granted. I did shoot some instant film on this session and it sparked an interest in Sinok to nab a Polaroid SX-70 online and start shooting himself. Thats so rad. I think I photographed more families in 2015 than any previous year and I love it. Keep them coming! I'd love to book more Winter family sessions for January and February. Interested? Thanks so much Lao's, I really appreciate your trust and support!

Hellen / My Sisters Sweets

Hellen is a friend who happens to LOVE baking. I love to eat, one morning I went over to her cosy Minneapolis home to document her life in the kitchen and eat some stuff :) As many of you know, I prefer b/w photography. I did take some color photos during this session, but that window light with b/w film just looks so nice. Check out Hellen's food here.

Eikum's / a Richardson Nature Center family session

The Eikum's are a special family. I've known Bert for years and I've always admired his adventurous heart and love for people. I had a blast just hanging out with them and walking through one of Bloomington's best parks on a perfect Fall day in Minnesota.