Kodak Portra

2016 Families / Year in Review

While family sessions don't make up much of my yearly work, they definitely help push my creativity and keep my heart in a good place. I know how fast kids grow up. I have three of my own. I see them grow and mature and my heart breaks. I want to keep them forever young, but also love watching them learn and grow up into such inspiring humans. Its a miracle I love documenting with photography. 

So, here's a post I wasn't going to share, but I'm just so proud of these images and thankful for the families who could've spent this money in a different way or decided to forego photos all together. But, you didn't. You invited me into your life, for a brief time. In return, hopefully I gave you something you'll cherish for a long time.  

Thank You.  

Melanie / St. Paul, MN / Film Portrait Session

Here's a collection of photographs made with my friend Melanie. We just chilled and had coffee and great conversation in-between making some rad portraits together. Everything took place in her small, but perfect apartment. I know, for most people, its hard being photographed. Any time I'm in front of someones camera I remind myself that my openness, honesty and trust is whats needed to make great portraits. But, thats hard. It's easier to shut ourselves in. It's easier to let insecurity rule and totally stifle creativity. I'm so thankful for Melanie and everyone who lets me and my camera(s) into their world. It's no small thing. Really. It's somewhat heroic. So, lets create something together.    

Camera's : Polaroid 180 / Polaroid SX-70 / Pentax 645 / Mamiya 7II / Holga

Film : Kodak Portra 400 + 800 / Illford HP5+ / Fuji 3000b Instant / Impossible Project b/w 2.0

b/w film developed and scanned at home / color film developed and scanned at Indie Film Lab


MICHELLE + FINN // Nikon F100 w/50 1.4G / Mamiya 645 w/ 80 1.9 / Polaroid 180 / Polaroid SX-70 / Fuji 100c / Kodak Portra 160/400Finn 6.06.2014 002Finn 6.06.2014 003-2Finn 6.06.2014 004-2Finn 6.06.2014 005-2Finn 6.06.2014 007Finn 6.06.2014 014Finn 6.06.2014 015Finn 6.06.2014 023-2Finn 6.06.2014 024-2Finn 6.06.2014 028Finn 6.06.2014 031-2Finn 6.06.2014 034Finn 6.06.2014 039Finn 6.06.2014 043Finn 6.06.2014 046Finn 6.06.2014 048Finn 6.06.2014 049Finn 6.06.2014 064Finn 6.06.2014 066Finn 6.06.2014 067Finn 6.06.2014 069Finn 6.06.2014 071Untitled-1Untitled-2

MOGENSEN FAMILY // Polaroid 180 / Mamiya RZ67 w/ 90 3.5 / Fuji 3000b / Fuji 100c / Polaroid SX-70 / Nikon F100 w/ 50 1.4D / Kodak Portra 400

Mogensen 6.13.2014 007Mogensen 6.13.2014 010Mogensen 6.13.2014 008Mogensen 6.13.2014 011Mogensen 6.13.2014 002Mogensen 6.13.2014 001-2Mogensen 6.13.2014 002-3Mogensen 6.13.2014 001-3Mogensen 6.13.2014 001Mogensen 6.13.2014 003Mogensen 6.13.2014 002-2Untitled-1Mogensen 6.13.2014 004-2Mogensen 6.13.2014 004-3Mogensen 6.13.2014 004Mogensen 6.13.2014 005Mogensen 6.13.2014 005-2Mogensen 6.13.2014 016Mogensen 6.13.2014 005-3Mogensen 6.13.2014 018Mogensen 6.13.2014 021

HEIM FAMILY // Mamiya 645 w/ 80 1.9 / Nikon D700 w/ 50 1.4G / Kodak Portra 400

Untitled-1Heim Family 5.21.2014 005Heim Family 5.21.2014 007Heim Family 5.21.2014 010Heim Family 5.21.2014 018Heim Family 5.21.2014 017Heim Family 5.21.2014 024Heim Family 5.21.2014 028Heim Family 5.21.2014 045Heim Family 5.21.2014 050Heim Family 5.21.2014 063Heim Family 5.21.2014 055Heim Family 5.21.2014 071Heim Family 5.21.2014 058Heim Family 5.21.2014 062Heim Family 5.21.2014 064Heim Family 5.21.2014 072Heim Family 5.21.2014 086Heim Family 5.21.2014 053Heim Family 5.21.2014 080Heim Family 5.21.2014 083

ABRAMSON FAMILY / Mamiya 645 w/ 80 1.9 / Polaroid 180 / Mamiya RZ67 w/ 90 3.5 / Fuji 3000b / Kodak Trix 400 +1

Untitled-1Abramson Family 2014 002Abramson Family 2014 008Abramson Family 2014 012

BARNES FAMILY / Nikon D700 w/ 50 1.4G


FUENTES FAMILY / Nikon D700 w/ 50 1.4G + 35 F2D


JEFF + JESSICA / Mamiya 645 w/ 80 1.9 / Kodak Portra 400 / Polaroid 180 / Fuji 100c


RAFFERTY FAMILY / Nikon D700 w/ 50 1.4G / Mamiya 645 w/ 80 1.9 / Kodak TriX 400 +1


THANK YOU to all the families that have wanted me to come hang out! I never thought I'd be this busy with family sessions…but keep em coming, they are a blast. If you connect with these images and want some of your own or know someone who does please contact me or share my info. This job is a dream…but it will end pretty quickly without amazing clients. I'd love to give you a collection of photographs documenting your life. Its really simple. I show up.  You do life with those you love. I take some photos. Its really that laid back. You'll love it.