Portra 400

Twenty Seventeen.

This year end post and the content is so dear to me. Its a statement of faithfulness and endurance. A reminder when I feel too weak to finish, I'll be given the strength to take another step and carry on. I don't go into a new year hoping for it to be a hard one, but it does have a unique way of shaping and molding in a way the easier seasons just don't. I want to remember and feel this until it truly informs 2018 and how I prepare for it.

I'm still processing this past year and its impact on me and will be for a while. The cross current beneath all of 2017 (and half of 2016!) has been a house remodel (post coming, soon). I cannot separate my photography work from the remodel, because I was so involved in much of it. It was my second job and seemed full time most of the time. I truly believe I had the perfect amount of photography work, however (and an amazingly helpful, forgiving, understanding and patient wife). These facts enabled me to juggle everything else on my plate this past year, but I never want to try it again. 

What a year.

I totally neglected the photography business and feel as though it took a step back after a very inspiring 2016. Momentum seems to have reversed for the first time in 6 years. Now, I'm left dusting myself off (literally and figuratively), picking up the pieces and getting this thing back on the right track. I'm so excited about this, though. 

More time to focus. To invest. Less housework.

Thankfully, I am very proud of the work I delivered to my amazing clients and friends this past year. Even though I felt at the end of myself on a weekly basis, inspiration, energy and motivation always came when needed. I cannot thank God enough for that. There have been so many moments of profound joy this past year and God continues to humble me. I don't deserve such amazing grace. You people. This job. All the moments I witnessed with a camera in hand.  

Thank you.

Here's to turning a page and starting afresh. But, always remembering the sweetness amidst tough and trial filled years. One wedding, one session, one destination and photo at a time. 

I Hope you enjoy this look back. The past two years have been filled with more film photography than ever and I'm finally feeling "comfortable" with the challenge/reward of it. I Hope you and yours start the new year off right and it's one of the best, yet.

Lets create something amazing together.


Peace out to my assistant for the past two seasons. Josiah, you'll be missed but I'm beyond excited for whats next for yah. Thanks so much for all the help, bro. 

Columbia Yacht Club Wedding Chicago Wedding-37.jpg

2014 / Year In Review

2014 was my biggest year, yet. I was the busiest I've ever been with photography...had more portrait and family sessions and weddings in a single season ever. It still wasn't enough, though. I want to work harder. I want to drink more coffee and stay up later. In 2014, I started shooting more film than digital and started developing all my black and white film at home. This was the first year I worked outside of Minnesota. I traveled to Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Texas and South Dakota. All for photography. I'm so stoked about this. Help me make 2015 even better! Thank you thank you thank you…for the support, encouragement and inspiration. Love you guys. I couldn't do this without you. Here are some rad photos from this year.


my amazing wife.


Caleb. Who has already had multiple heart surgeries.




Hannah. My first styled/modeled shoot.


Leah. She's a local barista.


Chuck + Jessica / PA engagement


Andy + Amy's engagement


Chris + Elaine / Kent, Ohio


Rob + Lindsey / SD engagement


David + Carly's Engagement


Jeff + Jessica / for their new website.



Devin + Melissa's Wedding


David + Carly's Wedding


Andy + Amy's wedding


Dave + Holly's Wedding


Sylvia + Bethany / MI


Abramson Family


Fuentes Family / PA


Lewis + Maddie. My favorite 1-2 punch.


Barnes Family / possibly my favorite family photo of all time.


Rafferty Family


Maddie + Chloe / cousins


Kalscheuer Family / MN, TX


Ouachita National Forest, AR


Stroth Family


Mogensen Family / first instant film family session




Stadler Family


Heim Family


Dori Family / Roee is a pro.


Brent + Lauren's Wedding / it was on an island.


Chuck + Jessica's Wedding / MN


Tim + Kathy's wedding


KD Painting softball team


Dorn Family


 Another first for 2014…having a professional photographer grab some photos of our crazy, growing family. Thanks so much Jeff!

Tim + Kathy's Wedding / Camrose Hill Flower Farm / Stillwater, MN

It was a seasonably warm late September day, but absolutely gorgeous. Tim and Kathy looked gorgeous and planned a perfect day for themselves and their guests. Camrose Hill is always a beautiful venue, but looked just breathtaking this day especially as the sun began to slowly fall. I love when couples are able to fully engage with guests and themselves on a wedding day and thats exactly what happened at Tim + Kathy's wedding. As a documentary photographer I almost need this to happen to make great photographs (and knowing there's a dog roaming around strapped with a GoPro to his back!) This gives me the freedom to roam around and observe interactions…all the joys, anxieties and celebrations that happen during a wedding day. This was the last wedding of my 2014 season and was such great one to cap off a great year. Thanks Tim + Kathy! Thanks so much to everyone who has supported me and continued to follow this blog as well. I can't do it without you! Enjoy the holiday season and be on the lookout for my year in review post coming soon!!!11a2345677a88a8b91011121314161719202121a222324252627282930313233343535a3637383940a40b41424343a444545a45aa45b45c464748495050a50b51525354555657585959aa606262a636465666769