My words of encouragement to couples...Have fun, be thinking about each other and forget I'm here (as you go through these photos pretend its 92 degrees with 40 mph winds, because it was!).
NIKON D700 w/ 35 1.4G + 85 1.4D
My words of encouragement to couples...Have fun, be thinking about each other and forget I'm here (as you go through these photos pretend its 92 degrees with 40 mph winds, because it was!).
NIKON D700 w/ 35 1.4G + 85 1.4D
I haven't used film since 2001. I purchased an F5 (looks brand new, $300!) on ebay a few weeks ago and wanted to make sure it worked. These were taken on PanF Plus 50 and low res scanned from the lab. And so it begins.