Mark + Annie / Maternity Session

Mark + Annie are dear friends and I was so excited to celebrate this huge milestone in their lives. This was my first maternity session ever and I loved it. I also loved that Mark + Annie let me leave my digital cameras at home. I think the results are so great and I was reminded of all the reasons I love using film at times. So excited for you guys and the new babe on the way! 123456 7

Nikon F100 + 50mm 1.4G / Mamiya 645 Pro TL + 80mm 1.9N

Fuji 400h, Kodak Portra 800, Kodak TriX 400

Jon + Senate's Wedding / Mill City Museum / Minneapolis, MN

I'll always remember a conversation I had with Senate about her wedding and why she wanted a venue along the Mississippi River. Jon is from Minnesota, but Senate is from Louisiana. The Mississippi Rivers' headwaters are Northern Minnesota and the river eventually makes its way south to Louisiana. In a way, connecting Jon and Senate. How cool is that? I love when couples choose venues based on something significant or meaningful to them. Jon was a close friend and fellow track captain in High School. The Military took him around the world, where he eventually met and fell in love with Senate. I was extremely humbled and delighted to photograph this wedding. Here's what I saw.22a2b3456101113141516171819222323a23b24262829303133343536373939a404142434445464749505152535454a54b



Equipment : D700's / 24 1.4G / 50 1.4G / 85 1.4D / 17-35 2.8D / SB-900's / pocketwizards