
Devin + Melissa's Wedding / Temple Israel / McNamara Alumni Center

There's always something that sticks with you after returning home from a wedding. I will always remember the many times Melissa asked…"when do I get to see Devin?" And always with a beaming smile. Hearing her say this gave me that funny feeling in my stomach as I remembered what my heart felt on my own wedding day and how I longed to just see my bride. I'm so thankful for the first meeting I had with Devin and Melissa on our back patio and remember them both agreeing they really wanted a photographer who would document their wedding day and nothing more. Well, here is what I saw and how it felt. Thanks again for everyones support over the last few years. I am so appreciative and blown away. I love this job.123455a5b67810111213141516171819202122232424a252626a2727a2829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606161a61b61c61d62636465

Mark + Annie / Maternity Session

Mark + Annie are dear friends and I was so excited to celebrate this huge milestone in their lives. This was my first maternity session ever and I loved it. I also loved that Mark + Annie let me leave my digital cameras at home. I think the results are so great and I was reminded of all the reasons I love using film at times. So excited for you guys and the new babe on the way! 123456 7

Nikon F100 + 50mm 1.4G / Mamiya 645 Pro TL + 80mm 1.9N

Fuji 400h, Kodak Portra 800, Kodak TriX 400

Sarah / Augsburg Park / Richfield, MN

It's not too late to book a "cool" winter session!  We still have some snow on the ground and the winter light is just amazing! All color photos were taken with an F100 + 50mm lens with Kodak Portra 400 film. All black and white photos were taken with a Mamiya 645 Pro TL + 80mm 1.9 Lens on Kodak TMAX 400 B/W film. Rock On!