Minneapolis Engagement Photographer

Emily & Grant's Minneapolis Couple's Session

It’s really funny how lives intersect. There was probably no way my life would’ve intersected with Emily and Grant’s without so many other things happening years ago. When we decided to remodel our new home (which is a story for another day) we hired a couple designers to help (which is a story for another day). A few years after getting this design help, I photographed a space (Yoga Sol) for Kristin, one of the designers who helped at our home and helped design Yoga Sol. We needed a model for a few of those photos and turns out, Emily was that model. Shortly after our shoot for Yoga Sol, she reached out and mentioned she was engaged and looking for a photographer. One thing led to another and now I have the privilege of being their photographer. Connections really are key to most work I get. I don’t advertise. I put all of myself into my photography and I hope people see and feel this and then tell others. I’m so thankful for the relationships and time that went into bringing Emily and Grant across my path and I hope you see your part in all this as well. I cannot. I repeat, CANNOT do this without you. Your voice. Your response to the photographs I leave behind. It’s a humbling and joy-filled partnership. Thank You.

OK, here are a bunch of my favs from our time wandering around a park in Minneapolis. We were on the hunt for a budding fruit tree towards the end of the evening, but alas…it didn’t work out. BUT, there are a handful of photos from some random hill, with the last few frames on a roll of film, that I absolutely love and feel really shows their hearts towards one another that night. It always works out in the end.

Chuck + Jessica / Philadelphia, PA Engagement

I remember one of my first conversations with these two and how I threw out the idea of coming out to Philly to take engagement photos. Time flies. Now, I'm back at home dealing with February blizzards and I'm still thinking about how sweet (and way to brief) my time was out east. I met up with Chuck and Jess at there place and we chatted and talked about various things then walked to a favorite nearby cafe. One Shot. This place is amazing. Great atmosphere and wonderful food and drink. If you are ever in Philly, I highly recommend a visit. Afterwards, we hung out a little more at there place and then drove to a spot along Wissahickon Creek and just took in the chilly, late winter morning. I'm so pumped for there wedding back in Minneapolis this Fall and very grateful for the time I spent in Philly. I moved around a lot as a kid (Wisconsin, Alaska, Missouri, Colorado, Minnesota) and always thought I'd love to travel when I got older, but I've put roots deep down in MN and havent traveled much. I think my desires are changing... 022a2aa33a3aa3aaa3b5688a9101112131414a15161717a1819202122232424a2626a272829303132333536