film wedding photographer

Emily & Grant's Minneapolis Couple's Session

It’s really funny how lives intersect. There was probably no way my life would’ve intersected with Emily and Grant’s without so many other things happening years ago. When we decided to remodel our new home (which is a story for another day) we hired a couple designers to help (which is a story for another day). A few years after getting this design help, I photographed a space (Yoga Sol) for Kristin, one of the designers who helped at our home and helped design Yoga Sol. We needed a model for a few of those photos and turns out, Emily was that model. Shortly after our shoot for Yoga Sol, she reached out and mentioned she was engaged and looking for a photographer. One thing led to another and now I have the privilege of being their photographer. Connections really are key to most work I get. I don’t advertise. I put all of myself into my photography and I hope people see and feel this and then tell others. I’m so thankful for the relationships and time that went into bringing Emily and Grant across my path and I hope you see your part in all this as well. I cannot. I repeat, CANNOT do this without you. Your voice. Your response to the photographs I leave behind. It’s a humbling and joy-filled partnership. Thank You.

OK, here are a bunch of my favs from our time wandering around a park in Minneapolis. We were on the hunt for a budding fruit tree towards the end of the evening, but alas…it didn’t work out. BUT, there are a handful of photos from some random hill, with the last few frames on a roll of film, that I absolutely love and feel really shows their hearts towards one another that night. It always works out in the end.

Josiah & Amelia's Farmington Historic Plantation Wedding in Louisville, KY.

I’ll never forget the time Josiah was helping me on a wedding in Chicago and he mentioned this girl he had been talking with, from Louisville, KY. At the time, Josiah was living in Minneapolis and helping me photograph weddings. Amelia was that girl he had been chatting with and she happened to be in Chicago that very same weekend of our wedding. So, as the night wound down, I was like…”You should have her come swing by the wedding.” I mean, at that point they had yet to even see each other face to face. It was the coolest thing to see them sitting at a table, drinks in hand…hanging out as I photographed the dancing and late night happenings at the wedding. Fast forward a couple years and I’m driving down to KY to photograph their wedding. They found a beautiful backdrop for the wedding in the Farmington Historic Plantation in Louisville. With help from friends and family, they transformed the space into a beautiful, intimate experience. The ceremony location was a short walk from the reception, with a lush garden in-between. It was HOT. Then, it poured. It was one of those days where you could feel the atmospheric energy building, knowing it would eventually break. So, they decided to wait out the rain, eventually fitting in a brief ceremony (which included another downpour). Umbrella’s came out. People fled for cover. Josiah and Amelia just stood happily as could be out in the rain. I love this about them. I hope their love for each other proves strong and willing to enjoy life’s downpours. Here’s a small sampling of photo’s from their wedding day. Thanks so much for following along! Your support is humbling and I’m beyond grateful.

Chicago Wedding…meeting face to face for the first time. Just kids back then :)

Chicago Wedding…meeting face to face for the first time. Just kids back then :)

Katie & Owen's Stout's Island Lodge Wedding in Northern, WI.

Its an absolute honor being a wedding photographer. Its one of the best jobs in the world and I'm blown away by the people in front of my camera. Year after year, I'm brought deeper and deeper into a profound appreciation of what I witness and photograph. 

My fear is, my hard drives will crash, the internet will cease to exist, my memory will fade, and there will be no record of weekends like this to look back on. Thankfully, the odds of that happening are slim to none. Thankfully, I'll always have this collection of photographs to look back on and remind me of all that was Katie and Owen's perfect weekend getaway wedding in Northern, WI at Stout's Island Lodge.  

It just doesn't get any better than this. Katie & Owen felt their way through the wedding day. All the different, unique emotions one feels with such a large event taking place and so many close friends and family gathered around you. Its all I could ever ask for.  Yes, the ceremony was rained out. But, during the vows, a gorgeous rainbow appeared and the sun broke as I followed Katie and Owen down to the waters edge. I'm at a loss for words at this point. So, go ahead and check out the photos!