holga 120N

Kalscheuer Family / Dallas, TX

I want to write a novel for this blog post and these images, but its overwhelming just thinking of how much this family means to me and how my heart is so attached to these images. There's a unique door that opens when, as a photographer, you're invited to stay overnight with a family. Moments that would never happen during a 2 hour session are suddenly there and you become aware of how privileged you are to have this job. I'm always blown away when a family can truly live normally in front of a camera. Its a gift to a documentary photographer. Thank you Kalscheuer's. I don't deserve friends and clients like you.   

Bolduc Family / lego's, snakes, turtles, and nature walks

I got to spend a couple hours with the Bolduc family on their Grandparents property north of Minneapolis, recently. This session was a blast. The kids enjoyed hiking around and heard all about the outdoors from their great Grandpa, who happens to be a naturalist. Everyone just hung out and enjoyed a perfect Sunday afternoon together. We let the snakes out, fed the turtles, built stuff with Lego's and tended the garden. Nothing was off limits and candidness and just 'going with the flow' was the mood. Here's a glimpse of what our time together looked like. Thanks so much Bolduc family!