Leah / Environmental Portrait / Keen Eye Coffee / Minneapolis, MN

Leah is a barista at Keen Eye Coffee just west of 38th and Hiawatha in Minneapolis, MN (formerly Tilia's Beans). This coffee shop was empty for years and recently opened under new ownership. Its great seeing new businesses start up in South Minneapolis. I want to support them like crazy, because its people like Leah who work in these shops. Observing her and how she works and relates to customers was so cool. I've been wrestling with how to photograph this sorta thing more. Should I post interviews along with the photos? Should I try to incorporate some form of publicity for these businesses? I just don't know yet. But, I know I love hanging with cool people who love what they do and making portraits in the environment they work and live in. So, for now….you just get photographs :) Thanks so much Leah. I really appreciate your willingness to be you in front of the camera. This was another 100% film session. boom.  124567899a10111213  

Mamiya 645 with 80mm 1.9N, Mamiya RZ67 with 90mm 3.5, Polaroid 180, Kodak TriX 400, Kodak Portra 400, Fuji 100c, Fuji 3000b

Chris + Elaine / Kent, OH

On my way back from Philly last month, I stopped by Chris and Elaine's new place. They had just moved from the heart of New York City and flipped the coin on a new life in rural Ohio. Chris took a teaching position at Kent University and Elaine got a dog and a drivers license. Literally. These two are amazing. Chris is an out of this world illustrator. You can check out his work, here. Elaine grew up all over the world and is freakin smart. I just wanted to sit and listen and hope her experiences and brain rubbed off on me.  I've probably only spent a few hours of my entire life with these two, but I feel close. Some people are just like that. 00a0b1233a45677a89101111a1213


I decided to shoot all film for this session. I'm still learning tons when it comes to what I like about film and how and when to use it. When I showed up at Chris + Elaine's place it was getting kinda dark, so that changed my plans a little, but I loved the results. Developed and scanned locally at FastFoto. Here's the tech info...

Nikon F100 / Mamiya 645 Pro TL / Mamiya RZ67 + polaroid back / Kodak TriX400, Fuji 100c instant film / 50 1.4G / 55 2.8 / 90 3.5

Chuck + Jessica / Philadelphia, PA Engagement

I remember one of my first conversations with these two and how I threw out the idea of coming out to Philly to take engagement photos. Time flies. Now, I'm back at home dealing with February blizzards and I'm still thinking about how sweet (and way to brief) my time was out east. I met up with Chuck and Jess at there place and we chatted and talked about various things then walked to a favorite nearby cafe. One Shot. This place is amazing. Great atmosphere and wonderful food and drink. If you are ever in Philly, I highly recommend a visit. Afterwards, we hung out a little more at there place and then drove to a spot along Wissahickon Creek and just took in the chilly, late winter morning. I'm so pumped for there wedding back in Minneapolis this Fall and very grateful for the time I spent in Philly. I moved around a lot as a kid (Wisconsin, Alaska, Missouri, Colorado, Minnesota) and always thought I'd love to travel when I got older, but I've put roots deep down in MN and havent traveled much. I think my desires are changing... 022a2aa33a3aa3aaa3b5688a9101112131414a15161717a1819202122232424a2626a272829303132333536