
More Winter in Minneapolis...

The more I shoot with Fuji 400H, the more I fall in love with it. My head wants to use Kodak Portra, but my heart just reaches for the Fuji.  Here's why...just look at this gorgeous color. The magentas and cyans look amazing all soft and creamy.  Pastel like.  And this is more like how I see my world. Maybe thats why I like the digital files from my Nikon D700 so much as well, because straight out of the camera they look very similar to Fuji film, in my opinion.

Nikon F100 / 50mm 1.4G / Fuji 400H

Winter / South Minneapolis, MN

Yesterday, I was hit really hard with the flu and basically spent the entire day/night in bed.  The night before, I had made an extensive "to-do" list and talked with my wife about how I needed to be in the office working on a bunch of photography and art stuff. I dont have nearly as much time as I'd like, for creative pursuits, so when I do have free time and I'm sick...well, lets just say I'm usually not a fun person to be around. I experienced a lot of mixed emotions while laying in bed, but by God's grace, I was mainly at peace. I bundled up this morning and made it outside for an hour and walked around a park near our home. There is such an appreciation for fresh, brisk air and a new sunrise after a day spent sick in bed. Here's what I saw this morning.

Nikon D700 w/ 35 2D & 85 1.4D